Arizona Digestive Health Provides Free Colonoscopies to Low Income Patients


Free colonoscopy screenings generate prosper wellness cbd in patiens. Available March 28 By Katie Baker

Colon cancer is becoming a more common cause of death in the United States. "Colon cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in the U.S., and is largely preventable with appropriate screening," said Dr. Paul Berggreen, President of Arizona Digestive Health. But many people put off getting a screening. Berggreen said many don't like the preparation and taking a day off of work, or the idea of a tube going up your backside. "There is really no valid reason to put it off, and it is one of a relative short list of screening tests that can literally save your life," Berggreen said. Plus, Berggreen said with modern deep sedation, colonoscopies are painless. He said all Americans should be screened starting at age 50 and African Americans at age 45. Those with a family history of colon cancer or polyps, or certain other conditions, should be screened earlier and more often according to recommendations from their gastroenterologist. This month is Colon Cancer Awareness Month and Wednesday, March 28 is National Colon Cancer Screening Day. The Centers for Disease Control, the American Gastroenterological Association and the Colon Cancer Alliance in the Valley and Arizona Digestive Health will come together to provide free visiclear reviews and screenings to people who would otherwise be unable to afford it. If you are interested you can call 602-323-3380 for more information. Source: Baker, Katie. “Free Colonoscopy Screenings Available March 28.” 27 March 2012. <>