What Are GI Clinical Trials?


GI (gastrointestinal) clinical trials allow gastroenterology experts to analyze the impacts of new and modified treatment interventions, making certain they are advantageous and safe for people of all backgrounds. Taking part in these gastroenterology research trials may offer significant advantages to those who have not experienced favorable results with current treatments or individuals who desire to help further grow the scope of gastroenterology research. Arizona Digestive Health is proud to serve as a dependable source for innovative research into digestive conditions and diseases. These clinical studies can help patients with digestive health problems experience better health in the present and in the future.

Clinical studies are essential to learning other ways to effectively manage a number of concerning gastrointestinal cancers, diseases, and conditions. If you are interested in making a difference for yourself and other individuals with digestive issues, then you might be a good candidate for clinical research trials. To find a GI clinical trial in Phoenix, AZ, reach out to our team today.

What are clinical research trials?

Once an experimental medical device, treatment, or drug has gone through testing in a lab and studied in animals to determine how effective and safe it could possibly be in human beings, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration may permit clinical studies on human subjects. These clinical studies are carried out on a wide range of individuals in an effort to ascertain whether the new treatment method can be authorized for widespread use. The GI research trials supported by Arizona Digestive Health might possibly be testing the results of experimental, brand new medical devices, behavioral interventions, diets, or drugs. Clinical research studies permit healthcare providers to determine a treatment’s optimum dosage, potential side effects, and if the treatment is more effective than treatments presently approved by the FDA and for widespread use.

Who is a candidate for a GI clinical trial?

Good candidates for gastroenterology clinical studies might have been diagnosed with a therapy-resistant gastrointestinal disorder or condition. Being part of a gastroenterology clinical research trial enables these people to find out about treatment approaches that are not yet available on the general market. In certain cases, gastroenterology research may need to include patient subjects who are in good health. Those who are healthy might desire to participate in research trials to help identify methods to avoid or treat a condition that might be prevalent in their family. It is vital that research trials consist of people of all races, ages, and genders so that the data collected has a wide range of applicability.

How are GI clinical trials conducted?

If you wish to find out more about participating in GI research trials in Phoenix, AZ, the first step is to locate a GI physician in your area. Our staff at Arizona Digestive Health can help you schedule a visit with one of our GI specialists. If a trial is being conducted, a team member will provide specific details of the research trial and what the investigators are seeking in their participants. To ensure you are a good fit for the research trial, the investigative staff will thoroughly screen you. If approved, you will most likely be required to provide informed consent and be assessed during a beginning “baseline” appointment. During the entirety of the study, you would need to return to the study location regularly to receive evaluations or tests depending upon what the trial is measuring. You are advised to always discuss any concerns with the staff performing the research trial.

Want to learn more about GI clinical trials in Phoenix, AZ?

As a patient-centered group of gastroenterology physicians, Arizona Digestive Health aims to provide individuals with the most current information in modern gastroenterology research. People who have not seen success with established medical interventions, or for whom no present treatment is in effect, might be interested in trying a research trial. If you or a member of your family has a digestive health condition and wish to learn more about undergoing new and emerging treatment methods, reach out to Arizona Digestive Health to find a gastroenterology clinical trial in Phoenix, AZ.