Why Volunteer for a GERD Clinical Trial?

By: DHAT Team


Generally called heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) shows up in roughly one-fifth of U.S. adults. It is typically a manageable disorder, but when overlooked, GERD can lead to more concerning health complications, such as Barrett’s syndrome. Arizona Digestive Health conducts clinical trials to identify modern approaches to detect and treat the illness. When you suspect that you have GERD, contact our Phoenix, AZ staff to find out more about GERD clinical studies and how you could potentially benefit from participating in a trial.

What are clinical trials?

Clinical trials are a critical part of the investigative process because they offer our research team further knowledge and insight into finding new ways to treat health problems, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease. Participating in trials is always voluntary and at no cost to the patient. Those who participate may undergo new medications, treatments, and therapies, in addition to one-on-one attention for their health issue. When you volunteer for a clinical study, you can have your condition observed more closely than those who are receiving customary therapies. If you wish to be considered for a GERD clinical trial to receive care for acid reflux disease, contact our Phoenix, AZ office today to discuss your candidacy.

Facts about GERD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is at times described as heartburn or acid reflux. About one-fifth of adults across the country are living with gastroesophageal reflux disease, and the condition is becoming more widespread. When acid reflux occurs, food and stomach acid backflow into the esophagus, commonly leading to a burning feeling in the upper chest and throat. This gastrointestinal condition can be increased by a variety of factors, such as alcohol consumption, smoking, spicy foods, and eating larger amounts of food late at night. Additional conditions, like pregnancy and obesity, might additionally elevate the risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

What are the symptoms of GERD?

Individuals who have indications of GERD often notice heartburn, pressure in the chest, a feeling of having a lump in the throat, bloating, or the urge to vomit. If you frequently experience any of these symptoms or take heartburn-relief medicine more than twice a week, contact Arizona Digestive Health for details on our GERD clinical trial and so we can identify the right treatment for your needs.

How can GERD affect my life?

In some instances, symptoms of GERD might become apparent after the consumption of a large meal or drinks that are high in acidity. If this happens on occasion and can be managed with antacids, there might not be a serious problem. If you have symptoms more frequently, such as over two times a week, and if the pain is affecting your quality of life, please contact our GI specialists to find out more about a GERD clinical trial. Our seasoned research team incorporates innovative technology in gastroenterology to help prevent and address GERD and other diseases.

Can I participate in a clinical trial at Arizona Digestive Health?

Every clinical trial performed by the knowledgeable research staff at Arizona Digestive Health is free of charge, voluntary, and monitored very closely by skilled GI doctors. By becoming involved in this research trial, you can not only help further the research in identifying new and innovative treatments, but you can additionally get individualized treatment curated for your specific GI needs. If you have GERD and are interested in participating in a GERD clinical trial with our Phoenix, AZ team, reach out to us today.