Why the End of the Year Is a Great Time for a Colonoscopy


Most adults recoil at the idea of undergoing a colonoscopy. However, did you know that once you get an initial examination, if it is within normal limits, you shouldn't need another screening for at least ten years? That is a whole decade colonoscopy-free!

Having a colonoscopy may not be high on your list. Still, getting this examination offers peace of mind for your comprehensive health and wellness. As reported by cancer.org, deaths by colon cancer have dropped for multiple decades on account of standard screenings.

It's recommended for a person of average risk to get an initial colon cancer screening near the age of 45. This is suggested given that colon cancer is very treatable when identified early on. If diagnosed early, the five-year survival rate is 90%.

At Arizona Digestive Health, our team is dedicated to providing personalized, quality care for every patient. Our Phoenix, AZ gastrointestinal specialists want to make sure you receive the colonoscopy procedure you require to continue to be healthy.

How is a colonoscopy test performed?

A colonoscopy is an exam that identifies changes and abnormalities in the rectum and colon (large intestine). Over the course of the procedure, the gastroenterologist places an adjustable tube into the colon via the rectum. A small video camera enables the doctor to look inside the colon.

Your well-being is of utmost importance during the test. You will be provided the chance to take IV sedation. Ask our practitioners for additional details on how we can help make sure your exam is virtually painless.

What can a colonoscopy detect?

Undergoing an initial screening for colon cancer is ideal for patients between the ages of 45 and 52. If you have questions about how often you should have a colonoscopy exam, please speak with one of our board-certified gastroenterologists in Phoenix, AZ.

A colonoscopy exam at Arizona Digestive Health helps find any precancerous growths (polyps) or abnormal tissue that may be in the rectum or colon. Before you undergo a colonoscopy, it's important to comprehend what qualifies as an average risk for colon cancer. Have an average risk for cancer means you are a candidate for undergoing an initial colonoscopy procedure.

Patients are at an average colorectal cancer risk if they do not have the following:

  • Suspected Lynch syndrome (hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer or HNPCC)

  • Inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis

  • History of polyps or colon or rectal cancer

  • Prior radiation to the pelvic or abdominal area to treat a previous cancer

  • Family history of colon or rectal cancer

  • Genetic colorectal cancer syndrome, like familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)

Why EOY is an ideal time for a colon and rectal screening

The time for new year's resolutions is close at hand. The end of the year is an ideal time to set up a consultation with a Phoenix, AZ colonoscopy doctor. Why? Because it permits you to consider the bigger picture and relax during the holidays with your loved ones knowing your health is in check.

Receiving a colorectal cancer screening enables you to begin the new year with a fresh perspective. Additionally, understanding your wellness is a good approach to help prioritize your overall goals. Preventing colorectal cancer starts with you.

Arrange for your colonoscopy in Phoenix, AZ

We want to help you live a healthy, long life with the ones you love. A colon and rectal cancer screening at Arizona Digestive Health is a perfect way to ring in the new year with a proactive approach. Not shying away from an exam can help reduce your risk of colorectal cancer. To set up an appointment, reach out to our experienced colonoscopy specialists in Phoenix, AZ today.