Tips for Finding a Top GI Specialist in My Area


The human gastrointestinal (GI) system is among the most vital mechanisms of the body and contains such critical organs as the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, pancreas, and gallbladder. Health issues in the GI tract can impact the way your body receives proper nourishment and disposes of waste. If digestive concerns have been affecting your health and wellness, it may be time to visit a gastrointestinal specialist. Arizona Digestive Health is a trusted provider of gastroenterology care for patients with digestive diseases. Our team of skilled physicians proudly offers advanced, comprehensive gastroenterology services to patients throughout the Phoenix, AZ area.

What is a GI specialist and what do they do?

A GI doctor is a practitioner who concentrates on treating issues involving the gastrointestinal tract and liver. This type of medical specialist helps maintain a patient’s digestive wellness and addresses diseases, such as:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Fatty liver disease (hepatic steatosis)
  • Colon cancer and colon polyps
  • Heartburn (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease)
  • Celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity

When should I visit a doctor for digestive problems?

If you are having problems that stem from your GI tract, such as abdominal pain, trouble swallowing, frequent acid reflux, or abnormal bowel movements, then it is important to book an appointment with a gastroenterologist doctor as soon as possible. It is also essential to attend regular visits with a GI specialist for routine care and colorectal cancer screenings beginning around age 45.

How to find a skilled gastroenterologist near me

Locating a specialist can seem like a tough process, but the team at Arizona Digestive Health is here to provide support. We've compiled some tips to help you in your search for a skilled gastroenterologist in Phoenix, AZ.

  • Ask for a suggestion from your general medical physician. Since they are your principal line of defense for any health conditions you experience, your primary care doctor is a helpful source for nearby GI specialists.
  • Search your insurance company's directory for in-network GI specialists. In order to help keep your health care costs low, search your insurance carrier’s network or contact your insurance coverage representative for a list of local GI specialists.
  • Ask your family or friends for recommendations. If a person you love also has gastrointestinal conditions, they could lead you in the direction of a reputable Phoenix, AZ GI doctor. Find out from your relatives and friends who they go to for their digestive wellness needs as well as colon cancer screenings.
  • Verify your GI specialist's education. Before setting up a consultation with a gastroenterologist, take a minute to review their expertise and licensure. Learn where they acquired their medical training and the length of time they have been practicing. Also, research patient reviews to see what others have shared about their visit with a specific GI specialist.
  • Set up an appointment. Once you have conducted your research, reach out to your preferred gastroenterology specialist and schedule an appointment. When you visit your doctor, pay attention to how they talk to you and make you feel. Choosing a physician who prioritizes your well-being and welfare can help you feel at ease and more relaxed when getting treatment.

Seeking a GI specialist in Phoenix, AZ?

Partnering with an experienced gastrointestinal doctor can allow you to maintain your gastrointestinal health and boost your overall wellness. The doctors at Arizona Digestive Health take an individualized approach to gastrointestinal diseases and are committed to your safety and providing excellence in care. Contact one of our gastroenterology offices in the Phoenix, AZ area today to schedule a consultation.