What is infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids (IRC)?
Hemorrhoids are often not dangerous but they can cause significant discomfort for patients. Several options exist to treat hemorrhoids, including infrared coagulation (IRC). IRC is ideal for internal hemorrhoids. This office-based technique uses pulses of infrared energy to promote scarring and shrinkage of internal hemorrhoids. Most patients report minimal discomfort during and after the procedure. A few visits scheduled weeks apart may be needed to achieve the desired results. If you or a loved one has hemorrhoids in Phoenix, AZ, you can contact our location to request a consultation. Our providers at Arizona Digestive Health offer IRC and other options to help with hemorrhoids.

Who are the candidates for IRC?
Candidates for infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids in Phoenix, AZ are patients with internal hemorrhoids who may have not responded to lifestyle changes or other types of noninvasive treatments. The majority of patients who undergo IRC for hemorrhoids experience positive outcomes from the procedure, but a notable minority will require a different kind of treatment to experience relief. At a consultation at our Arizona Digestive Health location, our providers can discuss all the options available for hemorrhoids and what treatments may be beneficial to you.
How does IRC treatment work?
Prior to your IRC treatment for hemorrhoids in Phoenix, AZ, you may be given some instructions to follow by your provider. These instructions may include dietary restrictions or an enema to empty the rectum. An IRC treatment session typically lasts only 10 minutes and is performed in-office. Infrared energy is applied to the hemorrhoid and this may cause some sensations of heat, but you should experience minimal discomfort. Sedation is not needed for IRC so you will be able to leave the office after your procedure and return to a semi-regular routine. It is recommended that you avoid heavy lifting following your IRC treatment. Some patients will require more than one treatment to fully shrink the hemorrhoid. Please talk to your Arizona Digestive Health provider if you have further questions about IRC and its benefits.